The clock is consisted of 225 letters, each letter is backlit by one addressed RGB LED. The whole machine is made thanks to module ESP32. For right time setting the clock works as Wi-Fi access point with a web interface.
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The aim of the project was to create a word wall clock, the clock that shows the right time in words. For example: It is 10 o'clock.
Because of COVID-19 pandemic, IoT workgroup of Department of Cybernetics and Biomedical Engineering was approached by workers of Faculty Hospital of Ostrava if there is an option somehow to measure the concentration of oxygen in covid rooms. The reason was safety in these covid departments where intensive medical treatments of patients with hard going of the illness take place by oxygen therapy. There is a risk of high concentration of oxygen (O2) and then a possible fire or explosion.
The complex solution is based on the czech IoT technology IQRF when sensors communicate thanks to topology IQMESH and the transfer is secured by enccoding. By this the high robustness of wireless network is ensured. The sensor is autonomous, non-invasive, power supply is primary battery of 19 Ah capacity. On the base of measuring of own consumption the problem-free running is guaranteed for 5 years in case of each 5 minute measuring.
The developed solution is protected by an usable patter that can be placed on every department when the oxygen therapy is needed. The wireless sensors have a significant benefit for security of covid rooms mainly in that times when the epidemic was at the top and hospitals had to take care of hard covid cases.
This unique research activity is financed Technological agency of the Czech Republic and three private companies. The project is planned into your years and two main phases. In the first one the aim is to create a simulator of fetal electrocardiogram (EKG) which will be able to make signals resembling to the ones of a pregnant woman. It is a follow-up to a previous research during which an special software generator of signals arose. This simulator is a part of phantom of fetal electrocardiogram that is patented by the research team.
The developed technologies will serve to model of electric activity of fetus´s heart and mother including risk conditions, various positions and gestational age of fetus, uterine contractions, multiple pregnancy etc. This machine can shift the testing of algorithms and monitoring devices because it will be designed to be compatible with current technologies used in medical care now. In future it can serve as a simulator of pregnant woman´s body for training of medical workers.
The technology of the phantom represents a necessary step for realization of prototype of home fetus monitor whose creation is the main aim in the second phase of the project. The home monitor based on fetal electrocardiography make a mother able to screen an unborn baby comfotably at home. A continual monitoring can be used to catch better heart rhythm disorders (cardiac arrhythmia) or confirm, it means an adult issue so called EKG Holter. Important is that this examination is non-invasive, running on battery power, screening of signals is passive and the fetus as well as pregnant woman is not bothered by this.
This research represents combination of experimental development and industrial research under the auspices of consortium created by two participants (Tecpa s.r.o. a VŠB-TUO). The project is focused on research and development of innovative technologies of monitoring of heart and breath activities during magnetic resonance examination.
The aim of the project is the research and development of a multichannel pressure sensor system that is immune to an electromagnetic interference that arises during the magnetic resonance. Among other related expected results also belong a prototype of singlechannel sensor system, controllinf software as well as a complex full scale production.
Outputs of the research can make the examination thanks to MRI faster because there is no long preparation needy like ordinary techniques need (mainly cleaning and shaving places for attaching EKG electrodes). The output of project will be a simple solution in the form of a bed taht will be implemented into the pad of MR scaner. This way of activating magnetic resonance is simple and compatible witl all producers of scaners with varios intensities of magnetic pole.
The purpose of creating automated developer devices for a complex visual control through various camera systems and scaners. The motivation of project is to make current developing process of machine seeing more accurate and faster, thanks to automated producing and control of new products, materials anf technologies.
In development of new systems of control the ability of perceiving surrounding plays an important role. Automatic control of quality of products and leading of robots are neccessary for high – tech solution in industry nowadays. The project is realized with support of programme APPLICATION – challenge number VII within Operation programme Enterprice and innovation for competitiveness 2014 – 2020 from Ministry of Industry and Trade.
For example by workmen, operators or assembling workers these technologies can reveal excessive workload that can result in the most often work illness that is carpal tunnel syndrome. When companies decide to use this system they will know what repetead movement can cause health problems to employees and then the work environment can be modified. The aim of the research is a involving new devices into the workplaces when it could be very useful from a long-termed point of view.
Labs of Department of Cybernetics and Biomedical Engineering are full of industrial and mobile robots of world brands like Kuka, Mitsubishi Electric, Fanuc, MIR. Every student of programme Control and Information Systems but also programme Computer Systems for 21st Century Industry undergoes a complex group of subjects focused on robotics and receives a lot of practical knowledge and experiences.
Systems that were developed by our help set headlights for a big brands like Jaguar and Mercedes Benz. The project is a part of study programme Control and Information Systems (production SW + communication with industrial robots) and study programme Computing and Applied Math (computing for setting)
Labs of Department of Cybernetics and Biomedical Engineering are equiped by top techs for education of automatic measuring and testing industrial products. For students there are a wide spectrum of subjects focused on programming setting Lab VIEW and technology of virtual instrumentation in area of automatic testing. At the same time we involve students in research projects that are dealt at department. One of the exmaples is a project of woden surface control in which knots and crackles are automatically searched in smoth planks.
Students of study programme Control and Information Systems and Computer Systems for 21st Century Industry have an option to work with advanced devices for creating Digital Twin as well as with deviced for virtual putting into operation, e.g. Tecnomatix, Visual Components, Mechatronic Concept Designer or SIMIT. The result of the work they can see in the form of attractive animations, videos or see in virtual reality.
Other task is an engine protection and its parts that are there against overheating. In cooperation with Continental company we took part in development of an unique high temeprature sensor in range from -40 °C to 1200 °C that is based on optical principle. We managed to develop the sensor together which measure the temperature thanks to a pair of optical fibres by an unique combination of methods. The result is a patent European application that highlights the uniqueness of the solution not only in the Czech republic but in the whole world.
We introduce you an unique educational model of triple inverse pendulum for demonstration of advanced autonomous methods of managing for systems of certain group. This model represents a sophisticated aid for lectures and research in cybernetics field.
We introduce an unique educational physic model of triple inverse pendulum for demonstration of advanced methods of autonomous managing used for systems of certain group. This model represents sophisticated aid for education and research in cybernetics.
For its difficulty in making models in maths and design of algorithms of managing as well as in a field of mechanic construction and instrumenation of real physic model realization, the ability to solve this task is called as a skills benchmark in autonomous managing by science community.
Inverse pendulums are a subject of intensive research in robotics and are extraordinary interesting from a theoretical point of view, too. They belong to unsteady, strongly nonlinear, lowly actuatored and phase systems and for their managing advanced algoritms of cybernetics are necessary.
For this purpose the advanced algorithms are used, they´re so-called modern theory of managing, especially from optimal management field that are a part of education in study programme Management and Information Systems.
By this representative physical model we can find a lot of partial interesting topics at the level from Bachalor´s thesis to Doctoral thesis. The model enables to a user a research and development of his own algoritms of managing. With a mathematical and physical model you can work at different levels, from a simulation in system Matlab&Simulink to a realization of managing algorithms in managing system REXYGEN running in a real time in an inbuilt device. A typical result of research works is then a swing of machinery´ arms from a bottom to upper position and stabilozation in straight position. A clasic task with the physical model of inverse pendulum is very extended. The most often we meet with one-armed pendulum, less extended there is a double-armed pendulum. The presented unique model of tripple inverse pendulum is different from other ordinary tasks by its difficulty and complexity of algorithms of managing. This unique model you can see in the picture. All joints are freely revolving without actuators. The straight position of all three arms is achived only by defined linear shift of cart from the left to the right.
Unique characters of model:
– modularity: mechanic switching of configurations among simple, double and tripple pendulum
– management by industrial computer REX AIC (Advanced Industrial Computer) desgined specially for this purpose, peculiarly for similar tasks that need a very low period of sampling
– runtime nukleus of managing systém REXYGEN runs in sampling frequences – 1 KHz
– a servo conventer is for managing of cart shif managed by EtherCAT
– wireless data transfer from revolving sensors of individual arms (period 700 microseconds)
– data from a wireless receiver are processed by FPGA