See all Applied Electronics Applied Physics Automotive Electronic Systems Biomedical Assistive Technology Biomedical Technology Communication and Information Technology Computational and Applied Mathematics Computer Science Computer Systems for Industry in 21 Century Control and Information Systems Design of Electrical Systems and Technologies Electrical Power Engineering
Demonstrative model of computed tomography
Department of Cybernetics and Biomedical Engineering creates a demonstration model of computed tomography. The model shows a real principle of collecting data in individual cuts using a safe laser emitter instead of X-Rey like a real computed tomography uses. This way the issue of the newest displaying methods for publics.
Development of a Complex Sensor System for Effective Control of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Scientists from our faculty are a part of multidiscipline team working on a research and development project from programme OP PIK realized between 2020 - 2023 with state support and focus on a field of medical engineering. The aim of the project is research and development of a system for monitoring cardiorespiratory activity during examination in MR, which does not require fixation on the patient's body. This solution promises an easy and fast preparation of a patient while maintaining the quality of the resulting image.
Robots and their application
Robots are used in every area in industry today. Industrial companies want to enhance productivity and lower numbers of low quality employees - therefore they need more and more robots.
Secured quantum communication – OpenQKD
In cooperation with other 37 partners from 12 European countries we are working on an unique project of secured quantum communication for its real using in current telecommunication and net infrastructures. Security based on quantum exchange of a key and quantum communication is a future in encoding and data security.
Autonomous camera testing – Total Quality Control (TQC) with artificial intelligence elements
Researchers from Department of Cybernetics and Biomedical Engineering take a participation in solution of project with ELVAC a.s. The aim of the project is to develop a prototype of testing machine for an absolute control of quality of products (TQC) realized by algorithms of machine seeing and technologies of robot automation.
Triple inverse pendulum
Have you ever tried a ride on Segway, Monowheel nebo Hoverboard? Do you know how selfbalanced or humanoid robot look like, for example Acrobot or Pendubot? Maybe you are wondering how these machines are managed or how they are made to be safe, stabilized and huge. Algorithms that are used for these systems, have common base in so called optimal managing. In practise you find another examples of usages of these algorithms for systems of similar characters. As instence we can mention wheel chair iBOT, leaning nozzle with cardan shaft in bottom of racket for stabilization of racket body, managing of technological parts of aircraft devices or ships.
Modeling and measuring of lighting systems
A high quality lighting systems of artificial lights generate luminous power that gives us 80% information from our surrounding by the sight. The rest of our senses hasn’t so much. You can have enough information about design and measuring of lighting systems from Department of Electrical Power Engineering. You can see and get needful information from your surrounding as well as know when and where you are seen. This knowledge prolongs significantly survival in night traffic space for a walker or a driver.
Digital twin of robotic and automatic technology
Virtualization is an distinct trend of current industry. Machines, products as well as processes are firstly designed virtually, then virtually tested and verified and after this they can be produced.
Balancing table with a roll
Image stabilization and keeping an object position and object balance in a space belong to the most often repeated problems of technical practise. As a demonstrative example of one solution can be balancing table with a roll. This is possible with available, cheap and efficient accounting apparatus based on one microcomputer using management in a real time.
Self-driving car
The issue of self-driving not only of cars is going to be more and more important topic dealt in practise.. Students can try on their own during their study tnanks to small car models that are equipped by a camera and microcomputer. For turning a car model uses a servomotor and for fuel as well as braking it uses two small electromotors. The aim is to drive through an unknown road or route bordered by two black stripes on both sides. Their solutions can compare with competitors in the international competitions NXP Cup.
Development of sensor for Continental company
Measuring of high temperatures in working area of gas engine is an important part of every modern car. Correct measuring of temperatures helps to optimalize the combustion process of electronic control unit and thus to lower CO2 production but at the same time to enhance power of engine and save fuel.
Monitoring of position of the rescue and emergency services members
In cooperation with ČVUT and firefighting services we are working on a system for online monitoring of rescuer´s movement in difficult buildings that interconnects more perpective areas at the same time. These areas you can study here - radio nets, sensors and artificial intelligence.
Optical control of product quality
Optical control of product quality of camera systems is a technology that becomes more often and is a part almost every area of production for ensuring the quality of products. Examples that can be visually controlled is a material surface, size, shape of curvature of products, location and presence of some parts, flawlessness of construction, packing of medicals or food etc.
Follow the vehicle
ŠKODA AUTO and our faculty cooperates on a concept of new assistant systems called "Follow the Vehicle". The principle of this technology is that a vehicle without a driver goes by itself because it is driven by a driver in the first vehicle. In the development and testing of the technology two cars ŠKODA SUPERB iV are used - not only for the development of the systems but also driving tests in the university campus.
Wireless IoT monitoring systems
Do you know that too much high concentration of oxygen in a room can cause an explosion or fire? Just three months took our scientiests from FEI to answer the demand of Faculty Hospital of Ostrava and designed a suitable connection, wireless technology as well as constructed solution for a sensor that is able to monitor an amount of oxygen in an atmosphere in the room.
Numerical modeling and simulation in Electrical Power Engineering
Electrical Power Engineering does not get by without computing systems working on the base of numerical modeling and simulations. Therefore the listeners during their study at Department of Electrical Power Engineering get to know modern computing procedures and concepts of individual electrical engineering components, operating systems or technological units. For example in final students thesis.
Control of product quality for automotive
A lot of producing companies require fast, accurate and mainly automatic product control. An example of project in which Department of Cybernetics and Biomedical Engineering and Department of Applied Mathematics participate is a development of robotic workplace for controling of construction accuracy and then setting of headlights.
Monitoring driver´s state
Increasing technic level of hardware and camera sensors are able to create programmes that localize and analyze various parts of human body in real time (head, face, eye, hands, arms etc.)
Air Quality Management System
Our faculty together with Faculty of Materials Science and Technology and statutory cities from the Czech republic, Slovakia, Poland create a web for transaparental management of air quality called AQMS (Air Quality Management System). The web helps to decide in management of air quality in global region and visualizes an impact of various measures on air quality by a simple way.
New composite materials for environmental applications
The aim of the project is a devevlopment, preparation, optimization of preparation and analysis of usage of special composite materials that are able to dectect if you like erase dangerous substances from environment in various forms in Ostrava agglomeration.
Math4U – practicing of secondary school math
Portal Math4U offers an original application for practicing on a mobile or tablet. For teachers there is an option to prepare new tests, interactive questions or exams for their students in a 10 minutes from a huge database of 4200 examples and 150 training games. All in well-made graphics in five languages and for free.
Physical car model with trailers
Have you ever reversed with car with a connected trail? If you have then you know that it is not simple how it can seem. And can you imagine you have more than one trail? We can introduce an unique educational physical model for demonstration of manul and automatic driving with one or three trails. This model represents a sophisticated aid for education and research in cybernetics field. In real life you find a lot of examples but we mention transport system for baggages at the airport or automatic parking assistant in a car or truck.
Word wall clock
The aim of the project was to create a word wall clock, the clock that shows the right time in words. For example: It is 10 o'clock.
Compex system for development in an area of a non-invasive monitoring of fetal EKG
Scientists from our facultly are a part of multidisciplinary team that is working on ongoing project dealing with development of solution in an area of a non-invasive monitoring of fetus based on electrocardiography. This research will improve a babies´ monitoring before their birth. The results will come in 2024.
Model for extraction and making models of retinal lesions of retinopathy of prematurity
The reaerch team from Biomedical Engineering from the Department of Cybernetics and Biomedical Engineering in cooperation with Faculty hospital of Ostrava is working on development of methods based on artificial intelligence that enable automatic recognition and clasification of retinal lesions of patients suffering by retinopathy of prematurity.
Cubicle type switchboard
Educational project of testing cubicle type switchboard arose in cooperation with ABB company that gave high-voltage machines, digital security and control system 800xA. The switchboard offers a local as well as distance operating, you can try a role of dispatcher. It offers to learn basic manipulations of switchboard that are usually used in practise. You can test important security blockings that ensure safe running.
Simulation of managing of very high tension switching stations
Automation of switchboards of electrical energy is a key for their fast and safe controling. Come to learn how to program modern multifunctional protections ABB in order to a switchboard does not burn down because of short circuit or overvoltage. At FEI you can simulate various kinds of faults of electrical power lines and try to set protective functions that are able to safe expensive devices of switchboard when faults comes.
Bioinformatics belongs to the current trends
We are cooperating with Faculty of Medicine in Olomouc on an project dealing with analysis of biomedicine data. We are developing new algorithms and methods how to work with data for example from an area of DNA sequencing. Methodology and algorithms that were developed by us at FEI have been already using and serve doctors. They help to improve quality of medical treatment of many types of diseases.
Fiber optic monitoring of blastings
Using optical fibre for measuring of vibrations? Yes! Substantially it is phase interferometric sensors that measure wide spectrum of vibrations with extreme sensitivity. The resulted three-axis sensor should be used for a short-termed and long-termed monitoring of construction works and enhancing safety in a large constructions.